Small Wins, Big Gains with Niqua

Growing up in the Virgin Islands, saving for a rainy day is common practice and practical advice.  With limited access to financial resources, knowing the value of a dollar is essential, especially since the region is exposed to tropical storms and hurricanes, which can dent personal finances. Also, if you grew up in the Virgin Islands or the Caribbean, you were not privy to understanding student loan debt or investing in the stock market. However, for Niqua of Financially Winning, understanding the intricacies of those issues is the backbone of her success as a wealth builder. 

The pandemic proved to be a turning point for many in taking control of their finances, careers, and futures. It ushered in the Great Resignation coupled with a rise in entrepreneurial pursuits, and Financially Winning came in on that wave. In June 2020, Niqua paid off two student loans and started her journey to financial freedom and financial literacy education. She has always been the go-to for financial tips and tricks and other information and turned her personal passion into a thriving business dedicated to improving the financial lives of others.

I believe that financial freedom is powerful, and having an education (especially for those who are young), will positively impact the future of our communities tremendously.

Niqua molded her beliefs and natural talent at being the source of info into Financially Winning and began teaching financial education during the pandemic. She saw a gap in access to financial education and financial literacy resources geared specifically towards millennials, young adults, and, more specifically, Virgin Islanders. She hopes to increase the understanding of financial security through education and resources within the Virgin Islands community and empower the communities to embrace financial freedom. “ It is extremely vital for me to cultivate this space because it is important for other Virgin Islanders to see someone from their own community in the financial literacy space being a voice of impact. As someone who grew up on an 8.5 square mile island, I know some of the challenges we are faced with, especially with limited resources.”

Financial insecurity is a topic that we do not have conversations about enough, and we also avoid talking about the challenges that our community faces. Getting her teachings and messages out has not been easy as the landscape continues to change as we navigate life post-pandemic and in a technological industrial era. “I would say one of my biggest challenges would be keeping up with the ever-changing social media platforms. It is important for me to not focus on what other individuals are doing and primarily continue to create content and resources for my clients and followers.”

Staying true to her mission means doing what works for her and building her own platforms to reach those she knows will be impacted the most. Niqua has a monthly Financially Winning newsletter with free resources such as “Pick My Brain” sessions to give her subscribers 1:1 assists. 

Let’s be clear, though, achieving and maintaining financial freedom is not just about fiduciary responsibility but also transforming your lifestyle. This is major because we deserve to enjoy life just as much as we work hard to better it. A notion that Niqua is personally invested in as a travel blogger! She was featured in Travel Noire for her incredible success at paying off $21k in student debt and budgeting for her travel adventures! She’s traveled to over twenty countries and has set a goal to travel to all fifty states, hitting twenty-seven already. This lifestyle may not be for everyone, but she is ready to help you meet your financial goals to achieve whatever lifestyle you are ready to have. 

My future goals for Financially Winning includes expanding to provide additional services on a broader scale and curating valuable content to current and future clients. I would love to host more financial literacy conferences/workshops in the future.

Niqua is the owner of Financially Winning. She is from Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands has an MBA, and holds a Bachelors in Accounting.
Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok @FinanciallyWinning
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