Seven Tips to Boss Up Your Life in the New Year

The new year is always filled with anticipation and often anxiety for the things yet to come. We’re often preoccupied with something we did not accomplish or complete the year before and vow to do better next year. However, we find ourselves six months in and have abandoned our resolutions with no clear path for the remainder of the year. This is where you full stop and focus on the seven tips to boss up your life in the new year. 

Choose a Power Word/Phrase

A power word or phrase is used to evoke an emotional response, and it’s often set the theme of your actions as you move through your calendar year. Power words guide you as you make decisions that affect your career, relationships, finances, and mental well-being. Your power word/phrase should ignite, empower, and motivate you to crush through anything that stands in your way—power words we love: abundance, self-evolution, growth, courage, and audacity. Power phrases to consider: Inaction results in inadequacy, being open to change means being open to evolving, and the effort given must match the desired intention. No matter what power word or phrase you choose, make sure it speaks to you and ignites a fire within you. 

Set SMART Goals

The advice to set SMART goals for the year never gets old. We set out to make big changes, set goals with no expiration date, and ended up feeling we could have done better. SMART goals are more effective when bite-sized and easier to track. Also, your bigger goals should be broken down into smaller, more manageable goals to make the process less overwhelming. While some claim that SMART goals stifle creativity, that has not been proven. Your goals are yours to bring to fruition in the manner that works for you. Write them down, create the plan and execute as you see fit.  

Ditch the Comfort Zone

We fall into safe routines and default modes in our lives. Who are we kidding? Comfort zones are default because of that warm, safe place we cultivated. We know our comfort zone back, forward, and sideways. But ask yourself, when was the last time something exciting and challenging happened inside your comfort zone? Bossing up this new year requires you to ditch your comfort zone and explore areas of your life you’ve been too timid to approach. Engaging in something challenging or new will change your confidence and give you the boost you need to unlock a new level.

Make It Make Sense (Organize)

We’re not suggesting you Marie Kondo your life, but if you need to do that, carry on. If you thrive in chaos, organize it so you can achieve your goals. Create a system to help you become more efficient and capitalize on your strengths. Proper time management, prioritization, and scheduled breaks will go a long way in helping you crush the year. 

Fete for All of Your Wins

There’s something cathartic about celebrating yourself and your wins, no matter how small. Being intentional about celebrating yourself at every phase of your journey sets a tone for guiding your life and creating a blueprint for how others should engage with you. You don’t need anyone that plays small circling your orbit. Make an effort to celebrate even when the ebb and flow of your year is uncertain.

Expand Your Network

Meaningful connections with like-minded or career-centric people can add value to your life.  Expanding your network will do the trick if you want to advance your career or mix up your personal life. Exploring your company’s employee resource groups, social meet-ups, or open-to-the-public events in your community can help you navigate your career and add to your social calendar. Learning from the experiences of others, engrossing yourself in an adventure with someone new, or simply being present in conversation with someone outside your usual circle can lead to new opportunities for you. 

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Invest in Your Self-Care

The upkeep of your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being is paramount. If you’re feeling empty, overwhelmed, or in crisis, you cannot achieve anything you set out to do. Carving out the time to pay attention to your needs and putting your self-care first will boss up your year in ways you could not imagine. This is a year of evolution, and to be your best self, you must invest in yourself intentionally. Schedule the monthly massage or chiropractic visit, make time to exercise and be active, and prioritize rest. This year do all the things that put your first!

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