J. Quin Ivory + Deidre R.: De Good Up Gyul Dem

Two friends, one mic, and a whole heap ah real talk! The accents, laughter, and hot take one-liners from co-hosts Jeaiza and Deidre are unmistakable and worth every second of listening. The duo from the U.S. Virgin Islands—St. Croix, to be exact—is making waves in the podcast space, bringing their unique blend of authenticity, wisdom, and of course, humor to conversations that most would shy away from. Their show? ‘Good Up,’ a platform that invites Afro-Caribbean women and an array of other listeners to discuss untouchable topics—trauma, sexuality, mental health, and emotional intelligence—all in a setting that mimics a cozy, after-work decompression conversation with your best friend.

Being Good Up is about prioritizing your wellness in all facets of your life.

A Phone Call That Sparked A Movement

The podcast started on a note of serendipity. During a candid phone conversation between Jeaiza and Deidre’s identical twin sister, Diamond, they found themselves discussing their relationships with their mothers. It led to an epiphany for Jeaiza, who realized that this kind of safe, vulnerable conversation was what Afro-Caribbean women needed to be part of—a public living room, so to speak, to share stories and affirm that they’re not alone.

“That feeling of being on the phone with your girlfriend for hours and getting that confirmation that you’re not crazy? That’s what we wanted to bring to the podcasting space.

When Deidre joined the show, there was an unspoken but powerful agreement: “We choose authenticity over discomfort,” they say. And the result? Raw, sometimes tear-jerking, but equally hilarious episodes that hit home for thousands. “We’ve laughed, cried, and dragged each other and ourselves in the name of speaking our truth,” adds Deidre. It’s no wonder the pair has successfully created a community around conversations many would prefer to keep in the shadows.

The Dialect of Authenticity

Good Up aims to be a podcast that transcends the Virgin Islands while honoring its origins. Content is created that is authentic to their audience while exposing others to their culture and dialect. One of the podcast’s highlights is its vibrant lexicon, a spirited mix of Virgin Islands dialect and uplifting mantras. Phrases like “don’t hot up your heart space” have become catchwords among their community, embodying a philosophy encouraging listeners to keep their emotional equilibrium.

Don’t hot up your heart space—it’s our mantra for not letting the world get to you.

This linguistic infusion also makes a strong cultural statement. Jeaiza and Deidre are not just telling their stories; they’re elevating the Afro-Caribbean narrative, the Virgin Islands dialect and making a case for why the rest of the world should pay attention. And for anyone who might doubt the impact, the proof is in their listener feedback. One male listener even credited ‘Good Up’ with inspiring him to seek therapy, amplifying the podcast’s purpose far beyond its original audience.

The Unbreakable Bond of Friendship and Growth

The dynamic between Jeaiza and Deidre goes beyond the microphone. 

“Hands down, Jeaiza’s knowledge and use of social media and its tools. She’s really creative, but she’s also really good (and hella fast) at executing creative ideas. We could be in a brainstorming session, conceptualize something really cool together, and then an hour or less later; she sends me a draft that needs little to no revision. I also feel like her desire and ability to grow and evolve is unmatched. She’s like one of those plants that grow super fast without even needing fertilizer.

Deidre’s high praise for Jeaiza’s aptitude for social media and swift execution emphasizes the tech-savvy, future-forward direction that is critical in the digital age. The ability to quickly turn creative concepts into tangible assets—be it social media posts, marketing strategies, or episode concepts—cannot be overstated. This agility often sets ‘Good Up’ ahead of the curve, and Jeaiza’s knack for growth and evolution ensures that the podcast remains dynamic and fresh.

 “Deidre’s greatest strength is her mind. She’s so creative, intuitive, and she has so much perspective from her own life experiences. The ideas she comes up with for episodes and now for our merch are things that I never would have thought of. Any time we do an episode related to healing—especially as it relates to Black women—Deidre says some of the most profound things and I just sit there enamored with her. Not to mention, she’s funny as hell. That personality literally MAKES our episodes what they are.”

Jeaiza celebrates Deidre’s intellectual creativity and insight, which breathe life into the show’s content. From thought-provoking episodes to unique merchandise, Deidre’s innovative thinking enriches the podcast’s offerings in a way that resonates with its audience. Her intuitive and profound views, particularly concerning the healing journeys of Black women, make for impactful episodes that leave lasting impressions. Deidre’s sense of humor also provides the levity and relatability that make the show so engaging.

While Jeaiza has embraced Deidre’s lessons in self-preservation and self-care, Deidre attributes her newfound courage to take risks to her friendship with Jeaiza. They offer each other not just companionship but the irreplaceable gift of personal growth.

In a landscape where content creators often succumb to burnout, ‘Good Up’ is an example of sustainable success. “We aim for longevity,” they stress, and their creation schedule is meticulously designed to honor that.

If we’re going to encourage our audience to take care of themselves, then we need to be doing the same.

Leaving a Legacy of Authenticity and Love

When asked about the legacy they aim to leave, both co-hosts circle back to personal transformation. Deidre yearns for a world improved by truth-seeking, while Jeaiza desires to leave people feeling “loved and whole.” These ambitions spill over into their show, reminding listeners that “the life you’re after is yours to create for yourself.”

As they look back over the past four years—from a single host recording in a closet to a multi-faceted platform supported by patrons and adored by a growing international audience—both hosts are filled with gratitude and optimism. They envision their podcast as not just an island of conversation but as a connecting archipelago of life experiences, spreading good vibes and deep insights far beyond the shores of the Virgin Islands.

Deidre and Jeaiza from 2020 would be very proud of Deidre and Jeaiza from 2023.

Good Up is more than just a podcast; it is a movement, a safe space, and a source of inspiration for many. It is a reminder that your healing and self-care are your responsibility, and creating the life you dream of is possible.

So, if you’re looking for a seat at a table brimming with open hearts, laughter, and colorful commentary that drags you unapologetically, look no further. The ‘Good Up’ podcast is the sonic feast you didn’t know you needed but won’t be able to live without. Come for the conversation; stay for the transformation.

Deidre Ritter and Quiñones Ivory are the dynamic hosts and producers of The Good Up Podcast from St. Croix, USVI.
Facebook @goodupvi

Instagram/Twitter/TikTok @goodup
Email: gooduppod@gmail.com

Website: www.goodupvi.com

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