Chase Joy and the Luxury You Deserve

What would your life look like if there weren’t any obstacles stopping you from chasing joy? What does a life of joy look like? There is no correct answer, but no matter what it looks like for you, it better be luxurious AF.

You deserve a life of luxury that meets your needs and exceeds your wildest dreams and a space that allows you to be seen as an abundant being. To live in that luxury, you must make the big decision to put yourself first and choose joy.

Joy is a necessity; it is an essential element you must focus on and consume to live a life of luxury. How are luxury and joy related? Simple, if you want to live your most abundant, prosperous, who-gon-check-you boo life, you have to be tapped into your joy and use that as the fuel to manifest everything else. Taking stock of everything that fills you with gratitude, happiness, and peace will help you live in your version of luxury. But first, you have to define what your joy is.

Defining Joy

Joy is not old, flamboyant, or obvious; Joy is mad subtle and stays in the corner until you lock eyes with it, and it then takes over your senses. The pleasure in our we feel in interactions with others, the subtle motivation that gives purpose to the things we do every day, that’s joy. For many, the busyness of life keeps us from recognizing the presence of joy, so you have to choose it.

What does joy look like in your present moments, in the coming minutes and seconds? Is your joy nestled in inspiring others? Is it at the beach with family, watching children enjoy being carefree? Is it sleeping until late afternoon without a care in the world? To intimately know and understand what makes you tick, what makes you happy, and what fills you with joy is to put yourself, your well-being and mental health, and your happiness first and go against every rule you’ve been told. Going through the motions does not lead to joy; picturing it and making it your daily plan to execute leads you that joy you deserve.

Picture It and Pin It

Talks of journaling and writing your plans have been recommended since the dawn of time. Hieroglyphics are one of the first forms of that. You have to envision what joy looks like for you at work, at home, in the car, with family, etc., and make the conscious decision to be intentional about creating it. Write down everything you do daily, from work to children’s activities, and find where you can add joy or carve out a small pocket of time to do something for yourself that brings you joy. Talk it up, talk it through, and write down the things that you want to experience more of. Allow yourself to focus on how you feel when you think about these things, and commit to that feeling and how to infuse more into your life. No matter how your joy looks or is defined, you owe yourself to chase it with reckless abandon. 

Close the Black Holes

Most of the rules that you follow and pay attention to were thrown on you by someone else’s rules and expectations. There were passed down through the generation and changed to fit someone else’s perspective. Choosing joy means you need to take stock in your world and cut out anything that makes you anxious or sucks your energy. Cut people who are draining your energy or make you emotionally anxious; and that includes family. Locate the places and spaces where joy does not exist and either cultivate it or cut it out.

Adding joy to your routine is difficult, but you can do it. Be present, and make it a habit to chase it. How we treat ourselves sends a loud message about how others should treat us. Do not let that message be “Treat me as an afterthought.” You deserve to lavish in the lap of luxury, but you’re only going to get it if you’re willing to chase the things you put last on the list.

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