A people with no knowledge of their history is like a tree with no roots, growing nowhere fast. These words embody the spirit of Gabrielle Querrard, an ancestral Virgin Islander...
In the bustling heart of the digital world, nestled amongst the glitz of big-name magazines, Audrey Malone makes her mark. She has a heart made from the molten core of...
Black women are the standard. We are the culture bearers, the paragons of peace, and are on the frontlines for social justice. We build community and lead uncomfortable conversations about...
It’s August, a time when the sun shines relentlessly and trips to the beach are in full swing. Although the end of the year may seem far away, it’s a...
Summer is here, and it is time to put those unused PTO days to work. You’ve earned a few days of relaxation or an incredible adventure outside of work. Picture...
Summer is the perfect season to unwind, embrace the sun-kissed days, and immerse ourselves in the pleasures of life. We have something special in store for our #SITIGirls that want...
With summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time to dress comfortably for the warm weather and bask in the sunshine. However, with full transparency, many of us struggle with...
Balancing your mental health and personal goals in a world that moves faster than a New York minute is as easy as finding a needle in a haystack. But there...
I want my business to inspire others to step out of what they already know and explore the unknown. I plan to continue training and educating myself on quality products,...
The inspiration for Neighborhood Pharmacy came about because I did not see the standard of holistic care that I thought was vital in the pharmacy industry, specifically in the Virgin...