Abundance Unlocked

Hello October! 

Hello and welcome back, SITI Girl! We have entered the 4th quarter, and our year is winding down. Over here, though, we are just getting started. We are on issue NUMBER 2, and I am ecstatic that you are here to celebrate this with me. Abundance Unlocked is our theme for this issue, which is personal for me. 

As I navigate life and all its turns, I aim to live a life full of ease, convenience, and luxury. Struggling through career, finances, health, and the ever elusive love is not on my list of things to do. I desire and crave joy in abundance. To feel lighter and released from stress, to laugh fuller and heavily from my belly, to feel love envelop me in my highest and lowest moments are the experiences my life deserves. 

To make this my reality, I know I have to do the unconventional and follow my own lead. I have to tap into the creative space that I have left dormant for far too long. I have to trust that everything I have done so far is all I need to move forward. Abundance is there for the taking, we just have to dig deep and free ourselves from the mundane to get it. 

Live fearless SITI Girls, and live in the luxury you deserve.

Audrey L. | Editor-in-Chief

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