Your Lack of Creativity is Making You Fumble The Bag

It’s often said that perception is reality; what you think about your environment and situations shapes your reality. The same can be said about how you feel and relate to money; your thoughts and ideas surrounding finances and money are examples of how what you think becomes what you experience.

There is no connection between thinking you will be rich and that becomes your reality. That big picture requires more work than intense thought. Nevertheless, your relationship with managing your money depends on your thoughts and inner monologue. If you struggle with thinking positively about your finances and relationship with money, it’s time to hit reset.

Money is not the root of all evil, that’s capitalism, but that’s another discussion. Money is necessary and the bane of your existence if you think of it that way. Getting a better handle on your finances and making room for positive growth in your wallet means getting creative. You must learn how to make money your muse and full-time BFF to see a positive change in your finances.

Positive Energy for Positive Cash Flow

Making financial decisions when angry, frustrated, or swimming through negative thoughts and emotions leads to buyer remorse and other regrets. To create a clear strategy that improves your financial outlook, you must clean the clutter and allow your creativity to flow. Take s step back from addressing any money-making decisions and do something that shifts your mindset and energy. You make better financial decisions when you’re in a good mood and surging with positive emotions. 

Change the Tone of Your Money Talk

How you talk about money affects your relationship with it. If money is your BFF, and you spend all of your time talking down about it and complaining about everything it does not do for you, what makes you think that money will go hard for you? You have to switch up your money talk and be consistent with it. Money is your muse, your BFF, your ride or ride, and it deserves to hear sweet words, praises, and affirmations to boost its presence in your life. Avoid being cynical about this; how you speak about your wants and needs becomes your reality, ergo how you speak (and work) on your finances also comes to fruition. 

Make Room for Money Moves

Money needs a healthy space to flow, which requires you to be creative and nurturing for it to work for you. You have to make space for creativity and hold that space as often as you can. This space can be an exercise class you love or a dedicated space on your own where you can do something fun. Dance, paint, sing off key, or meditate; no matter what, make room for that creativity. Releasing some of the stress around your finances and allowing your focus to shift to a happy place improves how you make room in your finances.

Skipping your morning white chocolate mocha latte to save a few bucks will work momentarily, but then you deprive yourself of something you enjoy. Instead, find ways to allow creativity to change your daily routine and infuse itself into your life. You’ll soon see that you can make better financial decisions that make your money move in ways you never thought it could. 

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